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Face-to-face naturo-energetic therapy

Face-to-face therapies

Naturo-energetic therapy intervenesin support/accompaniment to medical treatment, in several circumstances and acts at different levels. Its purpose is toaccompany and support the vital forceof the individual during hisnatural self-healing process.  

Face-to-face therapies
Psycho-emotional level

Psycho-emotional level 

Naturo-energetic therapy by the release of blockages  caused during emotional shocks / traumas allows the progressive decrystallization of somatized psycho-emotional blockages and thanks to the accompaniment, the deprogramming of self- sabotage and limitation through fears. 

physical level

Naturo-energetics through the transfer of scalar waves (such as biophotons) and sound frequencies (such as the Schumann resonance) allows en  reconnecting organs, tissues, at the frequency of Earth and at their natural frequency to regain their vitality and thus support the vital force in the body's natural self-healing process.


Support with therapeutic tuning forks

The tuning fork is an instrument thattuned to a specific frequency, will create a resonance phenomenon between the tone generated, and the organ/tissue of the same frequency.


In the therapeutic tuning fork approach, each instrument is tuned to the frequency of ahealthy organ/tissue(except for the Schumann resonance which serves as a generalist frequency)   

support by vogel crystal

Vogel crystal support

Vogel crystal is a rock crystal refined and cut so that it channels a wide spectrum of frequencies to retransmit them in the form of scalar waves(here biophotons and other particles of low energy intensity). Thus, it is an excellent support  for the vital force and therefore allows a rapid reactivation of self-healing mechanisms.   

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