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The ten secrets of success
and inner peace

Very often we tend to separate materiality from spirituality. However, each is intimately linked to the other so that any action on one will influence the other.

According to research by Bruce Taino, the healthy human being with a bio frequency equal or superior

at 65 Mhz, the nature of his thought and his emotions will affect his life force both energetically and physically:

Negative thoughts lower the frequency by 12 MHz.
Positive thoughts increase the frequency by 10 MHz.
Meditation increases the frequency by 15 Mhz.

Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book "The 10 Secrets of Success and Inner Peace" reveals how the quality of thought and detachment leads to abundance.

Meditation to manifest

In his book, Dr. Wayne Dyer, reveals a meditation technique allowing to use his spiritual power of manifestation in order to flourish.

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