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Energy Bio-impregnation

What is it ? 

The term Bio-dynamisation takes root in the words "BIO" (living in Greek) and "Dynamis" (force in Greek). In other words, Bio-dynamisation consists in giving back to a food or food product (seeds, vegetable plant, etc.) its initial energy strength in order to optimize its quality (for a finished product such as food supplements ) and increase its yields (for seeds and organic farming products)


How does it work ?

BIOWAVES Fonctionnement


Bio-impregnation can be done in several different ways. The two methods proposed here are: 

  • Remote Bio-impregnation by Biowaves (remote transfer of lepton monopolies via photographic support) 

  • Remote Bio-impregnation by fractals(fractal and vortex transfers) 

In both cases, it is thanks to the phenomenon ofquantum entanglementthat the Biowaves interact and trigger the stimulation of energy properties.

Bio-impregnation and the physical structure of water

Here, a documentary chronicling the different effects of structuring water. In this documentary, different processes of dynamizations of the water.

Once again, bio-impregnation acts on the molecular structure of water without changing the chemistry.

Currently, a partnership is being made with the international association of HADO members.

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